Photo: The Clootie well, Munlochy on the Black Isle, where strips of cloth are tied to the branches of trees as part of a Celtic healing ritual.
1. Get qualified
In June 2013 I started a new job in marketing and this year I’ll be doing a marketing qualification. I can’t wait to get my teeth into it and improve my knowledge of the sector.
2. Visit family at least once a month
My grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousin live in Ayrshire, Scotland which is around 2 ¼ hours away by car while my parents live in Inverness-shire which is a 4 ½ hour drive. Last year I did my best to visit Ayrshire every month; I’ll be doing the same this year and also trying to get up to the highlands as much as possible.
3. Spend more time with good friends
My confidence with driving longer distances at night really improved last year so I’m quite happy to get into the car after work and drive a few hours to see my friends. This year I’ll be taking full advantage of that, especially while my best friend is back in the country.
4. Meet new people
I haven’t had much time for networking recently so I’d like to get out and about and see some new faces. Maybe I’ll take up a new hobby!
5. Create a guest room
Although we’ve lived in our flat for over a year now our spare room is still a dumping ground. This year I’m determined to furnish it so our guests have a comfortable room to stay in and don’t have to sleep on an air bed.
6. Organise a primary school reunion
When my parents moved house they asked me to visit and take what few things I still had their home. Whilst clearing out I found a huge bundle of letters sent to me by friends from school when I moved to Singapore. It was lovely rereading them and I would love to get everyone together this year for a bit of a reunion.
7. Exercise and eat healthily 80% of the time
I am still doing the 5:2 and go to a class every week but I’ve stopped my home workout routine and really need to get back into the habit of waking up early and getting some exercise done before work.
8. Make £2014 in extra income
In 2012 I participated in the £2012 in 2012 challenge on the Money Saving Expert forums. I succeeded and used the money to pay off some debt. Now in 2014 I would like to do the same and put the money into a savings account.
9. Go to more gigs
I have a passion for live music yet I don’t think I went to a single gig in 2013. I want this year to be different and can’t wait for my first gig of 2014, Reel Big Fish in February.
10. Host a party
It would be great to get some friends together for some food, drink and laughs. We haven’t hosted one party which is something I think needs to change!
11. Read more books
As I don’t tend to travel by rail any more I haven’t had a lot of time to read recently. This year I want make an effort to read books that will inspire me.
12. Go on holiday
Last year we treated ourselves to a beautiful holiday in Portugal which was one of the highlights of 2013. We spent far too much but were so happy we did as it was worth every penny and this year I want to do the same.
13. Blog once a week
I’ve been pretty inconsistent when it comes to blogging so I’d like to make sure I post at least once a week.
14. Do something for charity
Who knows what I’ll do but I would like to raise some money for charity now I have my own finances in order.