Every year since his birth Tom’s Mum has bought him a Christmas decoration planning to give the collection to him as soon as he had a place of his own. This year she gave them to Tom and we unwrapped them and added them to our tree. Every decoration was labelled with the age Tom was when it was bought so we decided to photograph each one as we got it out and copy the contents of the label so we didn’t get them mixed up. Here is what we found:
Snowglobe, Age 19
Noel Sign, Age 25
Disney Mickey Mouse Bell, Age 6
Snowman’s Head, Age 4
Grand Canyon Coyote, Age 13
Disco Globe, Age 11
Moving Father Christmas, Age 16
Dog with Jointed Legs, Age 22
Reindeer Bell, Age 21
Furry Reindeer, Age 17
Metal Hedgehog, Age 24
Metal Robin, Age 23
Father Christmas Bauble, Age 8
Sparkly Christmas Tree, Age 2
Father Christmas Head, Age 7
Stuffed Snowman, Age 20
Gold Pine Cone Angel, Age 10
Fairy, Age 3
Mickey Mouse, Age 9
Green Tree, Age 1
Tom Snowman, Age 18
Sparkling Snowflake, Age 12
Snowman with Bells, Age 14
I think it’s a really lovely idea and something I will definitely be doing when I have my children of my own. Although it does mean Tom’s parents tree might be a bit bare this year!