I can remember giving archery a go at a country fair when I was in my teens and thinking it was hard work but good fun! When my Dad mentioned he had received an archery set for his birthday I couldn’t wait to give garden archery a try.
On a drizzly Sunday morning my Dad, Brother and I headed outside to see if we were any good.
My first attempt wasn’t very impressive but most of the arrows hit the board (although not the target!) and gradually I started to improve getting closer to the bulls eye and hitting the target much more regularly!
My Brother on the other hand was a natural, never missing the target and landing some impressive shots for his first go.
After a while I could feel my arms starting to give up on me. Surprisingly it wasn’t pulling the string back that was tiring them out but actually holding the bow up! Looks like I need to incorporate some strength training into my workouts!
A few arrows ended up in the dirt but we didn’t have to fish any out of the burn (this time) and Fergus the pheasant lived to fight another day. I’ll definitely be using a bow and arrow the next time I visit my parents and I’m pretty sure my brother should join a club!