After a couple of alcohol fuelled nights my friend suggested we head to Carlisle’s Victorian Baths for a bit of a detox and some relaxation. Although I knew the Health Suite existed I had never been and didn’t know what to expect. Next door to the city’s main swimming complex The Pools you pay for access to the Baths at their reception and are given a token which lets you in the door just down the street.
Costing just £6.20 for a session the Baths feature a sauna, steam room and various heated rooms which are used for traditional Turkish Baths where you move from a warm room, on to a hotter room before plunging into the ice cold plunge pool. The process is designed to expose you to dry heat, moist heat and cold water which stimulates the body and helps to cleanse it. I’m all for cleansing but I decided not to give the plunge pool a try!
The interior of the Baths is pretty tired but all the beautiful features from the Victorian Era are still intact. The quirky details and ornate designs are breathtaking in places and although the ambiance isn’t the same as that of a professional spa the architecture and the price make up for it.
Through the week their are alternate days for men and women with mixed sessions at the weekend. We arrived at around 12.30 on Sunday and there was only one person using the facilities. Another group arrived later in the afternoon but we were able to work around each other so we didn’t struggle for space.
After a couple of hours we were feeling utterly chilled out and decided to head to The Thin White Duke where we had a bite to eat and shared a bottle of prosecco. I can’t think of a better way to round off the weekend.
*The photos aren’t great quality as they were taken on my phone.